Hi, I’m Meredith Cooley!  

I’ve always been a writer.

From filling diaries with the events of my often monotonous 2nd grade days (Dear Diary, I ate lunch today!) to clutching a pen like a life raft during difficult life events, processing thoughts and emotions on the page has long been far easier for me than trying to formulate thoughts out loud.

Now, as a mama, wife (roles I am still working out tbh), and former educator, I am spending some of my days writing content (think customer success stories, eBooks, thought leadership articles) for purpose driven education companies.

After 15+ years working in schools and classrooms, I now work from the comfort of my Annapolis, Maryland home.

Often in my cozies. With a cup of tea.

It feels good.

And yet…

I can feel there’s something more.

When I named my company and created my LLC, Page & Purpose, I knew there would be something bigger than I could imagine at that time. Though I couldn’t quite see the vision, I could feel the pull.

I know now that part of that “something bigger” is helping women to write, rewrite or tell their important stories. The ones that have shaped or changed who they are, and that will—with certainty—change the lives of others, out into the world. After all, it is in turning up our collective lights that real change can happen.

Your truth matters. Lean into it.

Let’s write your story together.

For a glimpse at the different ways we can work together, head over to my services page. Or if you already know you want to dive in, you can book a call here.